Digital Design &


Wrap your favourite music and take it with you

Wrap your music and take it with you

MOOVAL is a non-profit project by PANDA and allows you to transfer your personal music data (playlists, tracks and likes) between different streaming services such as Spotify, Napster or Deezer. The service is available free of charge to all users. So far over 150 million titles have been moved with MOOVAL.

Depending on how many playlists, tracks and likes you want to move the migration can take a few minutes – this is also affected by request limitations from some streaming services and our server load.

Since we look after MOOVAL in our spare time, we look forward to donations to ensure server costs and support.


Technical background

The technical base is Grails 2 (a Groovy/Spring/Hibernate based Web-Framework for the JVM) in the backend and a combination of Backbone.js, jQuery in the frontend.

Architectural specificities
As MOOVAL depends heavily on I/O (waiting for HTTP-requests to the separate music-service APIs), it was implemented in a highly concurrent way (using GPars) to collect data and efficiently calculate the results.

Tasks: Idea, Concept, Design, Development